The minutes you spend here are precious. Don´t let them slip into planning your day or worrying about what has happened.
This instruction reminds of a fundamental work of Mahamudra meditation: Tilopa´s. 6 words of advice.
Sam Harris uses the first to points of advice: don´t recall and don´t imagine.
Everything leads to the meditation of non-meditation.
Here is the full list:
Don´t recall (past)
Don´t imagine (future)
Don´t think
Don´t examine
Don´t control
These 6 words embody the core of Mahamudra: don´t do. Even stop doing everything that is a meditation strategy.
Tilopa´s 6 words of advice read and explained by Jayasara Samaneri
To experience this meditation, one may listen to Jayasara Samaneri providing a wonderful rendering in her meditation-voice.
Gebel, Till. (2021c, April 11). Mystic world tradition, masterfully read (for free) by Samaneri Jaiyasara. Till Gebel. https://www.till-gebel.com/post/homage-to-samaneri-jaiyasara-the-masterful-reader
Jayasara, S. (n.d.-a). Jayasara Samaneri - Wisdom of the Masters. Samaner Jayasara on Youtube. https://www.youtube.com/c/samanerijayasara/videos