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Daniel P Brown - Index to his public works (books, articles, podcasts, youtube etc) - in work

I thought I share my current list of Daniel P Brown "stuff" (books, videos, podcasts) which are publicly accessible. He was a unique meditation teacher with a vast background in psychology, hypnosis, legal expertise, Mahamudra and Dzogchen, translated Tibetan texts, but he was practically unknown except to a (comparatively) small community until 2018.

Picture of Daniel P Brown

The index is still incomplete. For example, I have to add the translations and his output in the field of psychology, as well as descriptions of unpublished works. Also I may have to correct some of the sources´ Tibetan names. I will upload new versions.

On this index of Daniel Brown books, articles, podcasts, youtube videos etc

This is part of my private collection of sources I use for writing.

Scope limitation: meditation / Buddhism

The scope of this collection is mainly but not exclusively his output as a meditation teacher, and to a few sources closely related to it.

Scope expansion: other POGW teachers

I have also added some references to output of POGW teachers. This too is not complete. For example, there are videos of Dustin diPerna and John Churchill.

For download as of 2024.05.16

Index as of 2024.05.19 (latest version)

This is the same index as in the downloadable file. The formatting is sometimes a bit off due to formatting differences between the sources and this editor.

Thanks to and their free citation generator!

Bissanti, M., Brown, D. P., & Pasari, J. (2022). The Elephant Path: Attention Development and Training in Children and Adolescents (2.). Mustang Bon Foundation.

Brown, D. P., & Elliiot, D. S. (2018). Attachment Disturbances in Adults: Treatment for Comprehensive Repair: 9780393711523: Brown PhD, Daniel P., Elliott PhD, David S.: Books.

Winner of the 2018 International Society for the Study of Trauma and Dissociation (ISSTD) Pierre Janet Writing Award.

Brown, D. P. (2018a). Attachment disturbances in adults. Clinical Training. N/A.

An audio and video series on healing attachment disturbances for clinicians, defining and using the Three Pillars Approach and the Ideal Parent Protocol method. produced during the collaboration with Jock Gordon and "Mind Only".Not available for purchase.

Brown, D. (2009). Mastery of the mind east and west. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1172(1), 231–251.

Brown, D. P. (n.d.-a). Daniel P Brown Youtube Playlist. Youtube.

Brown, D. P. (n.d.-b). Self-Representation on Boston Center for Contemplative Practice. BCCP.

Brown, D. P. (1977). A model for the levels of concentrative meditation. International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis, 25, 236–73.

Brown, D. P. (1981). Mahamudra Meditation-Stages and Contemporary Cognitive Psychology (Dissertation).

This dissertation is a free download. It is a massive, highly technical volume that nevertheless gives an unparalleled insight into the education of a yogi.It draws on the knowledge of cognitive science as of the late 1970s, so it is not the newest in this regard.As compensation, Daniel P Brown gives some insight into the experiments with trichoscopy. to which he still referred in his retreats in 2021.The University of Chicago library entry:

Original URL of PDF:

Brown, D. P. (2008). Precious Opportunity. Pointing out the Great Way Retreat Documentation (not published)

Brown, D. P. (2009). Mastery of the Mind East and West: Excellence in Being and Doing and Everyday Happiness. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences.

Brown, D. P. (2012, November 18). Living Meditation 2012-05-09 Dan QandA [Video]. Vimeo.

Brown, D. P. (2016). Living Meditations: Three Paths. Pointing out the Great Way.

Brown, D. P. (2017, January 29). Living Meditation 2017-07-26 Dan Clearing Transgressions [Video]. Vimeo.

Brown, D. P. (2018a). Daniel P Brown, Living Meditations, Continuity of Awakened Awareness.

Brown, D. P. (2018b). Living Meditation 2018-01-24 dan Neurocircuitry of Awakening. Vimeo.

Brown, D. P. (2018c, January 23). Living Meditation 2018-01-24 dan Neurocircuitry of Awakening [Video]. Vimeo.

Brown, D. P. (2019, April). EO 360°: A podcast by the Entrepreneurs’ Organization: Transforming The Mind | Dr. Dan Brown. Retrieved December 16, 2023, from

Brown, D. P. (2021, January 15). Living Meditation 2016-11-30 dan Meditation on Trust and Adversity [Video]. Vimeo.

Brown, D. P. [Boston Center for Contemplative Practice]. (2019, April 17). Imagine Ideal Parents (Powerful Exercise) | Dr. Daniel P Brown | TheBCCP [Video]. YouTube.

Brown, D. P., & Brewer, J. (1999). Mapping complex mind states: EEG neural substrates of meditative unified compassionate awarenes. Scribd.

Brown, D. P. [Buddha at the Gaspump Interview]. (2021, January 12). Daniel P. Brown - Buddha at the Gas Pump Interview [Video]. YouTube.

Transcription on interview provides a concise overview by Dan Brown of the Tibetan view of &qout;enlightenment&qout; and the profound role of this pointing-out metaphor

Brown, D. P., & Churchill, J. (2012, January 16). Living Meditation 2012-03-14 dan PART 2 [Video]. Vimeo.

Brown, D. P. & conscioustv. (2009a, May 21). Daniel Brown 1 - “The Great Way” - Interview by Iain McNay [Video]. YouTube.

Brown, D. P. & conscioustv. (2009b, May 21). Daniel Brown 1 - “The Great Way” - Interview by Iain McNay [Video]. YouTube.

Brown, D. P., & Divine. (2020, April 3). Psychology and Meditation with Dan Brown. Unbeatable Mind.

Brown, D. P., & Dix, M. (2020a, April 7). Pt 1. Dr. Dan Brown: Peak Performance & Mahamudra Meditation. About Meditation.

Brown, D. P., & Dix, M. (2020b, April 7). PT 2. Dr. Dan Brown: Peak Performance & Mahamudra Meditation. About Meditation.

Brown, D. P., & Dix, M. (2021). OM104 – On a Mahamudra Meditation Retreat with Vajrayana Master Daniel P. Brown. Google Podcasts. Retrieved April 23, 2023, from

Brown, D. P. & e2 films. (2018, June 5). The real Manchurian candidate [Video]. YouTube.

Brown, D. P., & Elliott, D. (2016). Attachment Disturbances in Adults: Treatment for Comprehensive Repair.

Winner of the 2018 International Society for the Study of Trauma and Dissociation (ISSTD) Pierre Janet Writing Award.

Brown, D. P. & FitMind. (2020, August 12). The Science of an Optimal Mind - Dan Brown, Ph.D. | The FitMind Podcast [Video]. YouTube.

Brown, D. P., & Fromm, E. (1986). Hypnotherapy and Hypnoanalysis.

Brown, D. P., & Fromm, E. (1987b). Hypnosis and Behavioral Medicine. Taylor & Francis Inc.

Brown, D. P., Gilbert, E., & (2011). Conversations on Non-Duality: Twenty-Six Awakenings [Kindle].

Brown, D. P. & Isra García Lab. (2021, August 11). DAN BROWN PHD - THE AWAKEN MIND, PEAK PERFORMANCE AND FLOW STATES || Disrupt Everything podcast 114 [Video]. YouTube.

Brown, D. P., & Lama Surya Das. (2020). Awakening with Lama Surya Das and Dr. Daniel P. Brown. YouTube.

This video has been made private, probably due to the copyright and IP conflict about MindOnly

Brown, D. P. & Mind Only. (2018). Concentration training [Videos and Audios]. Mind Only. Not published. A set of videos and audios from the 1990s, with 17 lectures on concentration training. This course was most likely the course given to executives (it holds some examples which would only be relevant in this context). Much of the content of this course would be used in the 2.5 days of concentration training in the later Level 1 retreat that I attended. However, the content of the Level 1 retreat was condensed and included additional elements, that Dan Brown had most likely picked up during his time of translator.

Brown, D. P. & Mind Only. (2018). Performance Excellence [Videos and Audios]. Mind Only. Not published. A set of videos and audios from the 1990s, with 17 lectures on performance . This course was most likely the course given to executives (it holds some examples which would only be relevant in this context).

Brown, D. P., & Nelson, G. (n.d.). Retreat documentation, “The Pointing Out Style: Essence Meditations on the Real Nature of the Mind.” Level 1 Retreat, Pointing Out the Great Way, Online, n/a.2022

Brown, D. P., & Patten, T. (2013, January 1). The Sun Beyond the Clouds of Self | A new republic of the heart. A New Republic of the Heart.

Brown, D. P., Patten, T., & Emergence, S. O. (2020). State of Emergence - 022 Daniel P. Brown – Proven Practices for this Pandemic Crisis. Google Podcasts.

Brown, D. P., & Sonam Gurung. (2016, January 16). Returning blessings [Video]. Vimeo.

About translating and helping to re-establish Tibetan culture

Brown, D. P., & Taft, M. W. (2020a, May 20). Awakening and the Path of Liberation, with Dan Brown. Deconstructing Yourself podcast

Brown, D. P., & Taft, M. W. (2020b). Awakening and the Path of Liberation—FULL TRANSCRIPT. Deconstructing Yourself.

Brown, D. P. & The Stoa. (2020, September 4). Dying: East and West w/ Daniel P. Brown [Video]. YouTube.

Brown, D. P. & Therapist Uncensored Podcast & Community. (2019, January 10). TU87: Treating Complex Trauma and Attachment with Guest Dr. Daniel Brown [Video]. YouTube.

Brown, D. P., & Thurman, R. (2006). Pointing Out the Great Way: The Stages of Meditation in the Mahamudra Tradition (Annotated). Wisdom Publications.

 The book builds on the 1981 dissertation by Daniel P Brown "Mahamudra Meditation Stages";.

This text is discussion topic on a""; series

It is also available as PDF here:

Brown, D. P. & Unknown Philosophers. (2021, November 17). UP033 GUEST DR. DANIEL P. BROWN [Video]. YouTube.

Brown, D. P., & Van Nuys, D. (2021, December 14). Working with Attachment and Trauma, with Daniel Brown, PhD. Medium. Retrieved October 29, 2023, from

Brown Daniel P & Ora Nadrich. (2018, August 31). Sacred Sundays with Dr. Daniel Brown, Ph.D. [Video]. YouTube.

A very broad and comprehensive interview given when Dan Brown was not yet overly affected by Parkinson

A forum review by several people is here:

Bru rGyal Ba G Yung Drung. (2022). The Pith Instructions for the Stages of the Practice Sessions of the A-Tri (A Khrid) System of Bon Dzogchen Meditation (D. P. Brown & G. Sonam Gurung, Trans.). Mustang Bon Foundation.

Chrchill, J. & Aubrey Marcus. (2022, October 26). Ancient Psychotechnology To AWAKEN The Spiritual Warrior w/ Dr. John Churchill [Video]. YouTube. Retrieved May 20, 2023, from

Churchill, J. (2012a, January 18). Living Meditation 2012-03-28 John PART 1 [Video]. Vimeo.

Churchill, J. (2012b, January 18). Living Meditation 2012-03-28 John PART 2 [Video]. Vimeo.

Churchill, J. (2023). 182 - John Churchill: The Three Strands of Awakening. SoundCloud.

Churchill, J. & BuddhaAtTheGasPump. (2023, February 1). John Churchill - Buddha at the Gas Pump Interview [Video]. YouTube. Retrieved May 20, 2023, from

Churchill, J., & Dix, M. (2022, June 30). John Churchill: Mahamudra Meditation & A Vision For Enlightened Culture Daniel P Brown. About Meditation.

Churchill, J., & Murray, T. (2020). Integrating adult developmental and metacognitive theory. Integral Review, Vol 16, Nr 1.

Churchill, J. & The Stoa. (2022, February 21). A Planetary Dharma w/ John Churchill [Video]. YouTube. Retrieved May 20, 2023, from

Churchill, J., & Way, P. O. T. G. (2024, January 18). Living Meditation 2015-04-01 John [Video]. Vimeo.

Denning, N., Hassan, S., & Freedom of Mind Resource Center. (2024, January 2). Utilizing Integrative Psychology and Psychedelic Therapy w/ Australian Psychologist Nigel Denning [Video]. YouTube.

Dharmaoverground. (n.d.-a). Has anyone trained with Daniel P.Brown? - Discussion.

Dharmaoverground. (n.d.-b). RE: Daniel P Brown - Pointing out the Great Way - Discussion.

Dharmaoverground. (n.d.-c). RE: Has anyone trained with Daniel P.Brown? - Discussion.

Diperna 2022.09.14, D. (n.d.). Pointing Out the Great Way Living Meditation 2022.09.14 Dusting di Perna. Pointing Out the Great Way Living Meditation 2022.09.14, United States of America.


diPerna, D. (n.d.-a). HOME | dustindiperna. Dustindiperna.

diPerna, D. (n.d.-b). Pointing Out the Great Way Level 1 - Refresher Seminar with Dustin diPerna [Presenter and meditation teacher]. Refresher of POGW Level 1 Retreat.

diPerna, D. (2013). Differentiating phenomena from identity in religious and meditative experience. Harvard University Library.

diPerna, D. (2016, June 7). Neuroscience of Meditation | Dustin DiPerna & Sean Dae Houlihan | @ Consciousness Hacking SF [Video]. YouTube.

DiPerna, D. & Neurohacker Collective. (2017, December 20). Meditation As A Technology Of Consciousness with Dustin DiPerna [Video]. YouTube.

diPerna, D., & Wilber, K. (2016, July 15). Integral Technology | Ken Wilber & Dustin DiPerna @ Consciousness Hacking SF. YouTube.

Dustin DiPerna | Faculty Member | Esalen. (n.d.).

Forte, M., Brown, D., & Dysart, M. (1987). Differences in Experience among Mindfulness Meditators. Imagination, Cognition and Personality, 7(1), 47–60.

Gyaltsen, S. T., Brown Daniel P, & Gurung Sonam. (2022). Heart Drops of Kuntuzangpo: 9781956950106: Shardza Tashi Gyaltsen, Brown, Daniel P, Gurung, Sonam: Books.

Haas, G. (n.d.-a). Mettagroup. Mettagroup.

Haas, G. (n.d.-b). The Ideal Parent Figure Protocol. Attachment and Meditation Podcast.

Hammond, D. C. (2022). Memorial to Daniel P. Brown, Ph.D., ABPH. American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis, 65(1), 79–82.

I Love You Keep Going with George Haas. (n.d.). Spotify.

Mtshan, S. R. B. S. R., Brown, D. P., & Gurung, S. (2021). The Precious Treasury of the Expanse and Awakened Awareness. Penguin Random House.

Shar Rdza bKra’ Shis rGyal Mtshan, Brown, D. P., & Sonam Gurung. (n.d.). Self-Arising Three-fold Embodiment of Enlightenment [of Bon Dzogchen Meditation]: Shar rdza bKra’ shis rGyal mtshan,.

Tapihritsa, G. N. (2022). The Six Lamps: According to the Zhang Zhung Oral Transmission Lineage of Bon Dzogchen (D. P. Brown & G. S. Gurung, Trans.). Mustang Bon Foundation.

Tapihritsa, T., Sonam Gurung, G., & Brown, D. P. (2022). The Twenty-One Nails: According to the Zhang Zhung Oral Transmission Lineage of Bon Dzogchen. Mustang Bon Foundation.

Tashi Shardza, T. S., Brown, D. P., & Gurung, G. S. (2022). The Precious Treasury of the Expanse and Awakened Awareness: The Ornaments of the Definitive Secret (English Edition) (2nd ed.). Mustang Bon Foundation.

Wilber, K., Brown, D. P., & Engler, J. (1986). Transformations of Consciousness: Conventional and Contemplative Perspectives on Development (New Science Library) (1st ed.). Shambhala.

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