This page is probably only relevant to those interested in Daniel P Brown, the late meditation teacher, and to those interested in the tradition of the Pointing Out the Great Way Foundation. You can find more about these on my website.

See also the index to his public works.
This short "pith webpage" collates all book recommendations for students by Daniel P Brown and some of his teachers
for supporting meditative progress, and in particular,
for understanding and deepening the content and orientation of the POGW retreats.
It is hopefully a list that gives at least the bare bones of the original literature that influenced the retreats.
The list has no guarantee of completeness; there may be a recommendation that I overlooked
The list is not a bibliography of writings about Dan Brown, and it is not a list of Dan Brown´s books.
Source: Dan Brown´s recommendations in a podcast
Brown, D. P., & Thurman, R. (2006). Pointing Out the Great Way: The Stages of Meditation in the Mahamudra Tradition (Annotated). Wisdom Publications.
Shar Rdza bKra’ Shis rGyal Mtshan, Brown, D. P., & Sonam Gurung. (n.d.). Self-Arising Three-fold Embodiment of Enlightenment [of Bon Dzogchen Meditation]: Shar rdza bKra’ shis rGyal mtshan,.
Source: Dustin diPerna (Esalen website)
Thrangu Kenchen, & Dalai Lama. (n.d.). Pointing out the Dharmakaya: Teachings on the Ninth Karmapa’s.
Source: Dan Brown, Ecowraps website
For Level 2 Retreat
Rinchen, S. (n.d.). The Six Perfections: An Oral Teaching.
Khenpo Tsultrim Gymatso, R., & Hookham. (2016). Progressive Stages of Meditation on Emptiness (3rd ed.). Van Haren Publishing.
Thrangu, K. (2011). The Ninth Karmapa’s Ocean of Definitive Meaning (New ed). Snow Lion.
Olmo Ling Store. (n.d.). Inexhaustible Miracles: The Ten Perfections on the path of compassionate Beings.
For Level 3a Retreat
Sherab, K. P., Rinpoche, & Dongyal, T. (n.d.). Lion’s Gaze: Palden Sherab, Tsewang Dongyal: 9781880975053: Books.
For Level 4 Retreat
Lingpa, D. (n.d.). Buddhahood Without Meditation: A Visionary Account Known As Refining Apparent Phenomena (Nang-jang): Dudjom Lingpa, Richard Barron: 9781881847076: Books.
Bru rGyal Ba G Yung Drung. (2022). The Pith Instructions for the Stages of the Practice Sessions of the A-Tri (A Khrid) System of Bon Dzogchen Meditation (D. P. Brown & G. Sonam Gurung, Trans.). Mustang Bon Foundation.
Source: me
Ok, I want to throw my two suggestions in. Dan Brown recommended his own "Pointing Out the Great Way" and his translation "Self-Arising Threefold Enlightenment". Both are wonderful, and I jumped into the midst of Bon as a cold start, with a more or less empty mind. Except Culadasa....see below. And, "Pointing Out the Great Way" is for the theory-minded. Now I know that Dan Brown in the retreats would always point out "´s just a concept..". Which is a valid feedback in the context of Mahamudra training. But the book is tremendously packed with all the concepts the great Mahamudra masters had devised.
So, I would add
Culadasa (John Yates) "The Mind Illuminated" as a most thorough and fascinating guide to concentration meditation. It too uses the Elephant Path, as does Dan Brown for this part of his training. Dan Brown et al even published a book with this name. I was tremendously helped with the fast-track of the Level 1 Retreat concentration training in 2.5 days .
Culadasa, & Immergut, M. (2017). The Mind Illuminated: A Complete Meditation Guide Integrating Buddhist Wisdom and Brain Science for Greater Mindfulness. Hay House Uk.
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